June 17, 2013

Anatomy of a Computer Virus... Ouch

Do you know Stuxnet? 

Well, it's a computer virus. This work has already two years. I don't know were my head was but I can't remember anything about this. 

Who owns the power now?

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

June 13, 2013

Much more than...

Well... I really Love ANIMADE.  

Last week they released their new More than a hobby short film, a Ready, Steady, Bang sequel.  Let's have a look!!

More Than Just a Hobby from Animade on Vimeo.

June 07, 2013

You Only Live Once

This is a Memo. Inhale... Exhale... Get out of bed and read this 5 times in the morning everyday. 

I'm starting a new blog and this cliché is the best post to start it.